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The Mom-tographer

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

My story

I think my story starts out like most mom-tographers. You bring home your little bundle of joy and through the haze of late nights and poopy diapers you fall in love with photographing those ten little fingers and ten little toes.

When I knew

Even though I loved taking pictures I never took the leap to actually learn what I was doing until I started following a local photographer. I was so amazed by her imagery. It wasn't just a photo but a moment frozen in time. The session that really got me was one where she was in a delivery room while a baby was being born. This baby was supposed to be stillborn and the parents wanted to capture their only moments with their child. But instead the child was born alive and the photos that she took were beyond amazing. I will never forgot those pictures. The tears and the joy all captured in her images. I knew then that I wanted to learn photography!


I took a few local classes (actually taught by the photographer I mentioned above!). I spent many sleepless nights on blogs, you tube, and reading books. But most of all I practiced. I took countless photos of my boys as they grew up. I captured the mud puddles, sleepy mornings, and their chocolate donut faces. One of my favorite places to photograph is at the beach. I shared my many photographs in the gallery above. Not all of these photos were taken by a fancy camera. Some of these photos came straight from my phone. You can take a beautiful photo with any equipment if you learn a few fundamentals. I hope more mom-tographers are inspired to take the leap. It's a skill you will always be able to use. I hope in the near future to teach some mom-tographer classes for those who want to learn! I'll keep you all posted. In the meantime, pick up your camera and snap away. The nights are long but the years are short!

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